Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Thus far, My Antonia has read like a delightful blast from my childhood past, the sweeping prose describing the expanse of the Nebraska landscape, the harsh realities of farm life on the frontier, and the wonder of it all seen through Jim's ten year old eyes. Cue montage of beloved prairie girls:

Little House in the Big Woods
The book that inspired me to drag my sister in a covered red wagon across the frontier my grandparents' farm.

Classic Children's Books - Caddie Woodlawn

Meet Kirsten, an American Girl/Audio Cassette (American Girls Collection)
Yes, my mom did sew me a dress and apron similar to this so I could go to school rocking the prairie style.

Then somehow last night my pleasant prairie fantasy turned into something from Grimm's Fairy Tales when the Russians Peter and Pavel tell the gruesome story of why they were forced to immigrate to the U.S. Wedding party, fun and games, drinky drink, good times, and suddenly...the Russian wedding party is being overrun by wolves. What! And to save their skins, groomsmen Pete and Pavel toss the bride and groom out of the sled to the wolves.

The Neverending Story was pretty scary too.

Does this happen? Can wolves really outrun a horse? Will they really attack you out of the blue and eat you!?

I thought I had this genre down pat, but clearly my adult experience is going to be a little different...

Neverending Story image found here.

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