Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Future Best Books?

Here's a fun trip into the past! Check out the best selling books on the day you were born.

Sadly, I've not read anything notable from my birthday. Since novels written in 1983 could have been included in the Radcliffe Publishing Best List, I guess they weren't that great? :)

But for those young'uns born after 1998, we could be looking at candidates for future Best Lists! I'm crossing my fingers that Harry Potter will make it (and The Da Vinci Code...not so much).


  1. I am delighted that Jane Fonda's Workout Book is included on my list. And I'll bet then that it's on yours, too!

  2. Oh, I got too excited about Return of the Jedi (the novel!) that I didn't read down that far. Haha.


I know some of these novels will incite strong opinions, but please remember to be nice. Violators may be prosecuted, persecuted, and thought to be A Mean Person.