Tuesday, August 2, 2011

No. And no and no and never and no.

Naked Lunch has earned the dubious honor of becoming the first book I refused to finish because it was just too disgusting to continue. And if I had any idea what half of the slang words William Burroughs used actually meant, I would probably be even more icked out (incidentally, reading about Burroughs' accidental murder of his wife was more interesting than the book itself).

Gentle reader, if a man ripping out another's man's eye so that he can then have intimate relations with the eye SOCKET sounds a bit much for you, don't attempt this book. Seriously, that was my breaking point, and I don't even know what further nastiness might have followed.

He may look like a nice old man. Don't be fooled.

If anyone out there has any idea why this book was included amongst the greats of literature, please let me know. I am not that squeamish. I made it through A Clockwork Orange! But this was too much. This I cannot do.

Why does this book even exist?

Image found here.