1. Books read previously do not need to be re-read.
2. If you read the first 100 pages of a book and find it insufferable, it may be skipped.
3. Bonus points for attempting anything James Joyce.
4. Complete understanding for skipping anything James Joyce (Seriously, the only part of Ulysses that I understood was the protagonist taking a poo).
One crazy dude - check out that eye patch!
As of today, I have just completed Book #48: Lady Chatterley's Lover. And boy, was it a real doozie and deserves a subsequent post of its own! I hope to finish up #49 A Clockwork Orange by the New Year, which will put me at a fresh start with #51 in January (#50 The Awakening is a skip book read in high school - shout outs to my high school classmates and our terrible radio play adaptation!).
Let the blogging begin!
Yay yay yay, now I can sort of claim to have read these novels. If you read someone who reads James Joyce, have you "skimmed" James Joyce? How many degrees of Kevin Bacon? Oh goodness, I'm so glad you're doing this!